Blessed are the fragile—we were made from dust and to dust we will return. But the reality of our inherent fragility (what makes us human) shouldn’t be shameful. Instead, God blesses the very dust we are made from—from the beginning when we were formed in our mother’s womb until we return to God. This dependence on God’s love and compassion may feel counter-cultural, but it is exactly what we were made to do.
The experience of our fragility can exist on a spectrum. Somedays, we are more aware of our fragility—tears might prick our eyes or we feel more tired than normal or more dependent on others to care for our needs. Other days, we feel more durable—aware of our agency or get-up-and-go. Where do you find yourself today—closer to durable, fragile, or somewhere in the middle?
Today I'm definitely more fragile. I have been short with Charlotte, overwhelmed with everything I have to do in a day while being a non stop playmate for a sassy toddler. Of course every ounce of frustration went away when she fell asleep and now I have packed a days worth of chores into an hour while listening to that podcast.
Today I feel more durable. Earlier this week I felt more fragile, several issues had me on edge. But I finally gave voice to a few things that I had on my mind, gave in to some tears, went to bed early, and today I am feeling strong. Which might be odd on a day when one is contemplating one's mortality. But I think I can also look inside and grasp just how much life I have in me at this moment, how much life I see around me and really take a moment to FEEL it to experience it.