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A word from Fr. Benjamin Gildas about Holy Week 2021
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This year in Holy Week and Easter, worship is changed, not ended. Holy Week this year we are learning to pray more deeply and create rituals of home spiritual practice by praying the worship services of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Vigil of Easter as home worship. We're also offering an in-person Great Vigil of Easter adapted for fully outside on the IHS lawn. It's my hope that once again this year home worship will remind us all that the Church is not a place we visit, but it is who we are, its our identity. We're all longing to be with others during this time, but its most important that we be with Jesus and draw on his love and strength this Holy Week.


These services are designed to be used alone, with your family, or whom you live with. You may wish to create a Home Sacred Space to use for your home worship. I also created videos for you to explain how to use the home worship materials and to talk about the importance of these holy days leading to Easter.


I pray each of you has a blessed Holy Week as you walk the way of the Cross and follow Jesus to his death and resurrection. I am praying these services with you and I am praying for you. If you have any questions at all please reach out to me. I love and miss you all, and I hope this helps you have a most blessed Easter.

Create a Home Sacred Space

Palm Sunday

Maundy Thursday

Good Friday

Holy Saturday

Vigil of Easter

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